Employer Newsletter – Winter 2021

Scenarios for submitting Mandatory Employer Reports
Under the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007, employers are required by law to submit reports to the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) regarding a member involved in the following scenarios:
- When employment is terminated, suspended or restrictions have been placed on their duties for professional misconduct. This also applies if the registered early childhood educator (RECE) resigns under these circumstances.
- You become aware that a RECE who is a current or former employee is charged or convicted of an offense involving sexual conduct with minors, or an offence that, in the employer’s opinion, indicates that a child may be at risk of harm or injury.
- You believe that any conduct by a RECE should be reviewed by a committee of the College. College committees address issues related to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity.
How do you submit a report?
Employers can complete the Mandatory Employer Report on the College’s website. To learn more about the Mandatory Employer Reporting Obligations, check out our bulletin and visit our website.
Encourage Your Staff to be Continuously Learning
Employers are encouraged to find ways to support their RECEs as they work to complete their required continuous professional learning (CPL).
By engaging in the CPL program, RECEs increase their knowledge and skills and improve their professional judgment, all of which strengthens their practice.
Outlined below are three ways employers can support RECEs’ learning.
- Take the time to understand the CPL program: Explore the program’s required steps such as the Expectation for Practice Module for new members and the CPL Portfolio Cycle so that you can provide support and answer questions from your staff. Dive into the CPL webpage to access CPL resources
- Collaborate with an RECE to develop goals: Through the staff’s performance review process, consider identifying goals that are mutually beneficial both to the RECE and to you as an employer. It’s a win-win.
- Use staff meetings to allow for staff learning: Staff meetings are an opportunity for your employees to discuss, learn and collaborate. Encourage staff members to lead or facilitate discussions to build their leadership skills as well as their confidence. This may also be contributing to their CPL goals. Check out the Standards in Practice webpage for topic ideas.
Elections 2022: What to expect when your staff member is an elected Council member
The College is governed by a 24-person Council that includes 14 RECEs elected by members. Elections will be held in 2022 in the districts of Toronto and Hamilton / Niagara. Nominations open on January 26, 2022.
Everyone benefits when one of your staff is elected to the College Council. Below highlights opportunities for employers.
Enhances learning at your organization
As a Council member, the RECE will gain in-depth knowledge and awareness of the role of the College, professional self-regulation, the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, along with changes in legislation or regulation. While working at your organization, this perspective can be shared organically with colleagues as they work and collaborate. As a result, the RECEs in your organization will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and understanding of professionalism in their practice.
Gain leadership skills and experience
Being elected to the College Council demonstrates belief by the Council member’s peers that they are a leader. Having such an individual on staff can help inspire other RECEs to engage in their own leadership development and expand their responsibilities within your organization. Stronger leadership skills allow members to engage with colleagues to create inclusive and collaborative working environments.
More information about the role of Council and the duties of Council members is available on the College’s website.