Home 9 Applicants 9 Section 4: Schedule of Application and Registration Fees

Section 4: Schedule of Application and Registration Fees

In Section 4 of the General Application Form, you must provide information about how you will be paying your application and registration fees.

The fee amount depends on your registration history with the College. Use the table below to determine the amount that you need to pay.

I … The applicable fees, in Canadian dollars, are: Therefore, the total amount I need to pay, in Canadian dollars, is:
… have never been registered with the College before Application fee C$85 C$245
Registration fee C$160
New Registration fee (for completed applications received on or after October 1, 2024)
… am a former member who is re-applying to the College and the current status of my Certificate of Registration is cancelled/resigned or expired* Application fee C$85 C$245
Registration fee C$160
New Registration fee (effective October 1, 2024)
… am a former member who is re-applying to the College and the current status of my Certificate of Registration is revoked* Application fee C$95 C$255
Registration fee C$160
New Registration fee (effective October 1, 2024)

*To find out the current status of your Certificate of Registration, check the College’s public register.

What are the application and registration fees?

    • The application fee is the payment for opening an application file and assessing and processing an application. It is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the application process.
    • The registration fee is the annual membership fee. If you are issued a Certificate of Registration, this is your membership fee for the year beginning on your registration date. It is only refunded if you are refused a Certificate of Registration, or if you withdraw from the application process according to the College’s procedures before a final decision is made about your application.
    • The application and registration fee will appear as two separate transactions on your credit card statement.