Employer Newsletter-Fall 2019

An overview of the CPL Program
Since 2016, members of the College of Early Childhood Educators are required to fulfill the requirements of the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program (Ontario Regulation 359/15).
The CPL program is designed to support RECEs to systematically and intentionally increase their knowledge and skills, strengthen their professional judgment and improve their practice. Ongoing learning also empowers RECEs to successfully communicate their scope of practice, skills and values to other professionals as well as to the children, families and communities they serve.
How does the CPL program work?
In an RECE’s first membership year, their only CPL requirement is to complete the Expectations for Practice module. In their second registration year, they start the first of their ongoing two-year CPL Portfolio Cycles. Members begin each cycle by completing the Self-Assessment Tool that guides them in deciding on three professional learning goals. Once they have their goals, they add activities and timelines to meet those goals in their Professional Learning Plan. In determining their learning goals and setting up their learning plans, members may choose to work with colleagues or employers, and seek input or support to complete their CPL cycle activities.
Over the two years of each portfolio cycle, members will engage in learning activities they’ve planned for themselves and document their reflections and application of learning. Once a member finishes one two-year cycle, they begin the next.
Why are RECEs required to engage in the College’s CPL program?
Ontario Regulation 359/15: Continuous Professional Learning, made under the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007, requires all RECEs to fulfill the requirements of the College’s CPL program.
The program requirements are outlined in the College’s Notice of Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Program Requirements document.
Are employers responsible for ensuring staff are complying with the CPL program requirements?
No, employers are not responsible for ensuring their employees are in compliance with the CPL program requirements. However, employers are responsible for ensuring that the RECEs they employ are in good standing with the College, which they can do using the Public Register.
RECEs have a professional responsibility to comply with the program. The College takes measures to ensure that RECEs are completing the mandatory components of the CPL program.
My organization provides professional development opportunities for staff. Will RECEs be able to use these opportunities to meet their CPL program requirements?
The College recognizes that many employers are committed to ongoing professional learning and provide development opportunities to their staff. In many cases, RECEs will be able to incorporate these opportunities into their Professional Learning Plan.
Do RECEs have to submit or share their CPL program records with employers?
No, RECEs are not required to submit or share their CPL program records with their employer. RECEs may choose to keep their CPL records confidential.
In cases where employers support RECEs’ engagement in the CPL program, it may be agreed upon by the employee and the employer to share the CPL program records. Members are welcome to share and collaborate with employers in order to fulfill the requirements of the CPL program.
Are there consequences if an RECE does not complete the CPL requirements?
Yes, there are consequences if a member fails to complete the requirements or falsely declares compliance. If a member fails to comply with requirements of the CPL program, their Certificate of Registration may be suspended by the College. If a member falsely declares compliance with the CPL program requirements, they could be found guilty of professional misconduct.
For additional details on the Continuous Professional Learning program, check out Information for Employers on the College’s website.
Free resource! Practice Note on Using Social Media
Recently, the College created a Practice Note on Using Social Media which urges RECEs to consider the benefits and risks of the personal and professional use of social media. To help promote the Practice Note, we also created an article with some additional resources that RECEs can refer to.
For employers, this resource can help you educate your staff on how your organization should be using social media and what the expectations are for your RECEs and other staff members.
Everyone has a duty to report
In consideration of Child Abuse Prevention Month (October), the College created an article for members stressing the importance of reporting any suspicions they may have that a child is at risk of harm. RECEs have a legal obligation to recognize and report any possible signs of child abuse, neglect and/or family violence.
This article outlines the obligations of an RECE and what to do should they expect a child is at risk. For employers, this is a good reminder of what your staff’s obligations are.
Did you know that you also have an obligation to report under certain circumstances? Read more about the Mandatory Employer Reporting Obligations or review the report.
Changes to The Kindergarten Program, 2016
The Ministry of Education has recently updated some of its legislation in The Kindergarten Program, 2016. The College put out an article to our RECEs as a reminder to stay on top of the changes within the early learning and child care sector.
This article may be useful for employers as it contains links to the recent changes and helpful resources to ensure that RECEs are integrating these changes into their pedagogy while keeping the College’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice at top of mind.