Home 9 Members 9 Section 4: Changing Communications Preferences

Section 4: Changing Communications Preferences

The College communicates with members in different ways, including in writing by mail or e-mail, and by telephone. In order to continue to receive important information from the College, members must inform the College about changes to their communication preferences. ​​

Only complete this section if there are changes to your preferences related to communications from the College. Complete all items in this section even if there have not been any changes for a particular item. This way the College can ensure and verify that the information it has on file is up-to-date.
  • Preferred mailing address – Indicate whether your preferred mailing address is your home or business address.
  • Preferred e-mail address – Provide the e-mail address that you will most frequently use to receive communications from the College. Since the College may send you e-mails that contain your personal information, the e-mail address must be one that only you can access. If this is a new e-mail address, the College will update your file so that all e-mail communication is sent to the new address.