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Change of Information Guide

RECEs have a professional responsibility to contact and inform the College whenever any of their information on file has changed.

Changes must be reported to the College within 30 days of the effective date of change. If a member does not report changes to information within this time period, the College may initiate a process to suspend the member’s Certificate of Registration for failure to provide information.

​Why is it important to notify the College about changes to information?

There are several reasons why it is important to notify the College about changes to information.

  • Some of the information, such as your name, is on the public ​register. It is important that the public, employers, and other stakeholders are able to find you when searching the public register, and that when they do search the public register they see current and accurate information about you.
  • Other information relates to communications from the College. Providing the College with up-to-date contact information will ensure that you continue to receive communications from the College in a timely manner.

What are the requirements for notifying the College about changes to information?

There are two requirements for notifying the College about changes to information:

1. ​​Complete and submit the Change of Information Form
​        a. Sections 1 and 5 must be completed in all circumstances
b. Complete sections 2, 3, and/or 4 as applicable for your circumstances

2. Submit supporting documentation as applicable​

Change of Information Guide

This guide is organized into the following sections. You are encouraged to read the entire guide in order. However, you may also click on any one of the links below to go to a specific section. At the bottom of each page, there are ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons to help you navigate through the guide in order; there is also a button to return to this main page at any time.